Jørgen Bollesen
Jørgen Bollesen
Head of Origination, Infrastructure & Industry Asia & Pacific

EIFO Export and Investment Fund of Denmark


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ECA Backed Finance

Expanding Horizons: International ECAs In Asia

Benoit Fretelliere
Head of Unit - Underwriting,
Bpifrance Assurance Export
Janusz Wladyczak
KUKE - Export Credit Insurance Corporation Joint Stock Company
Felix Bruecher
Euler Hermes
Richard Michael
Country Head – Indonesia,
UK Export Finance
Jørgen Bollesen
Head of Origination, Infrastructure & Industry Asia & Pacific,
EIFO Export and Investment Fund of Denmark

Alongside Asian ECAs international ECAs also have a major part to play in the Asian export credit market. Join us as we unite leading international ECAs to discuss: 
- How can ECAs facilitate more untied financing deals and what benefits could this present for the Asian market? 
- How can ECAs position themselves to be a part of local currency transactions to better support borrowers?
- Why is ECA finance an attractive proposition to borrowers in the market vs other options in the region?